A to Z Theme Reveal 2018 “Attitudes and Gratitudes”

Theme Reveal: Attitudes and Gratitudes

Are you a raving ranter or an optimistic orator? Do find yourself complaining about anything and everything or always in good spirits and see the positive aspects of everything?  Meet Otto and Herman. Now granted there are those that can see both the negative and positive sides of things, so they don’t fall into either category of person 100% of the time, but such is not the case with Otto and Herman. They are the extremes. Over the next few weeks, I will be allowing them both to speak on a number of different topics. Sometimes they will both react to the same issue and other times they will each have separate issues that they want to pontificate or espouse about. Feel free at any time to add your own opinions to the conversations.

And now without further ado, I give you Otto and Herman:

My name is Otto. I am a meticulous person. Everything has to be in a certain order. Everything must be in its place. People ask me time and time again for my opinions on things. How do I feel about going on trips? Or what are my views on issues of the day, technology, homework, doctors, and the like?  I never hesitate to give my opinions. I’m called a pessimist by some, and critical person by others. They’re all wrong. They say everything is so bright and happy. Hogwash! This world is going to heck in a handbasket. They may think that I’m negative all of the time. Bah Humbug! I’m just a realist. Wake up and smell the roses, those that haven’t wilted or been poisoned by pollution. If you don’t want my opinion…Don’t ask. Actually, it doesn’t matter whether you ask or not, you’re going to get it.


Hi, I’m called Herman. Why, because that is what I like to be called, and that’s my name. Isn’t it great? Not the name, just being alive in this wonderful world. I love it. There is not a thing in this world that I’m not encouraged by. All you Debbie Downers keep trying to pull me down with your rants and raves about things. But my position is, you get what you believe in and what you make of it. Just ask me. You give me a topic to talk about, and I will gladly express all the positive aspects of it. Where you see white and black, I see all the colors of the rainbow. Are there things in this world that don’t work? Are there things that are bad and will never amount to anything but disaster and destruction? Maybe you are just looking at them through the wrong set of glasses. What if you could make a change for the better? Why accept the things as they are; focus on not only fixing them but making them better. Make a difference.  That’s the way I think. A rose may have lots of thorns that stick you, but on top of them all is a beautiful rose.

About hdh

I have been telling stories for over 40 years and writing forever. I am a retired teacher and storyteller. I hope to expand upon my repertoire and use this blog as a place to do writing. The main purpose is to give me and others that choose to comment, a space in which to play with issues that deal with storytelling, storytelling ideas, storytelling in education, reactions to events, and just plain fun stories. I explore some of my own writing throughout, from character analysis, to fictional, to poetry, and personal stories. I go wherever my muse sends me. Enjoy!
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9 Responses to A to Z Theme Reveal 2018 “Attitudes and Gratitudes”

  1. Cool topic. I am looking forward to following Otto and Herman. Very timely in today’s culture. I am much more like Herman than Otto.

    Emily | My Life In Ecuador | Theme Reveal

  2. What an interesting theme – I’m looking forward to your posts!

  3. Varad says:

    Very unique theme! I’m a realist myself and I’d be siding firmly with Otto.

    L.E.R.T Theme Reveal

  4. Morgan says:

    I can’t wait to read what Otto and Herman have to say. I’m more of a Herman myself, but sometimes things are Otto like.

    Once Upon a Time

  5. I’m usually pretty positive, but I love a good rant too so I think I’ll enjoy both of these characters

  6. Herman is so much like me! It would be interesting to know more about Otto and Herman too. Will return to explore again for sure.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  7. NotesinaBook says:

    Interesting theme. I will look forward to reading more during the challenge.

  8. Pingback: Peeves | hdhstory.net

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