A – Adulthood


I can’t decide whether I was dreaming or not. There I was sitting in a park minding my own business when two people came up to me and started debating the benefits and pitfalls of being an adult. I’m not sure why I got to be their audience for this but it stopped me from doing what I was planning to do in the park. Because of their debate, I can’t even remember why I was sitting in the park. I hate when that happens. They introduced themselves to me as Otto and Herman, and clearly, they were not on the same side of the debating team.


Otto began his tirade.

“Why would one ever want to be an adult? You don’t get a chance to breathe. You’re working all of the time. Constantly listening to others tell how you should live your life; do your work; spend your free time; raise your kids… It’s ridiculous. Give me my childhood where I had time to play and not worry about my future. Where there was always someone else looking out for me, not letting me get in trouble, and I was not responsible for anyone but myself. Now that is where we all should be.”


Herman interrupted, “Who says you are responsible for anyone else but yourself, as an adult? You choose who you want to play with; you are the one that makes decisions about life, family and determines the direction you go in. Sure others may give you advice, but it is your choice whether to follow or not. Childhood, may have its perks of more play time but a lot of those decisions made by people looking out for you, may not be the choices you would like to take, yet you must.”

“What about the responsibility to survive?”, answered Otto.  You need to make money, have a job, pay for all your food, clothing, the mortgage on your house. If you’re lucky you can earn enough to take a vacation. And what about old age? You need to save for that or else you’re out of luck. Way too much pressure! Too much stress. Things are just not fun anymore.”

“Certainly there are issues you have to deal with as an adult and you do have to plan for the future and earn a living to pay for your wants and needs,” Herman retorted, “but you’re the one in control. It only becomes stressful if you don’t do things that are fun. You need to enjoy the work you do. Don’t do it just because you have to. Adults have the opportunity to seek out others in their lives to help guide them to a better place. In childhood, you have very few friends that stand the test of time. There are other kids in playgroups, school, recreation teams you are on, but when those end, you move on. In fact, the people that help you the most are the adults. As an adult, you get to be that helper. You get to follow those children, if you choose, and become important to their lives. Doesn’t that make you feel good?”

Otto just said, “Harrumph!”


The next thing I knew, I was sitting on my couch while the television was droning on about some product or another. Was I watching one of those PBS science shows about “Growing Up” or just nodding off and playing one of my own dramas in my head?


And what about my thoughts on being an adult vs. child? I certainly can see the benefits of both. Given a choice I think I’ll stick with being an adult, preferably on the younger side of it, which I know is not a reality. But it’s something I can dream about.

About hdh

I have been telling stories for over 40 years and writing forever. I am a retired teacher and storyteller. I hope to expand upon my repertoire and use this blog as a place to do writing. The main purpose is to give me and others that choose to comment, a space in which to play with issues that deal with storytelling, storytelling ideas, storytelling in education, reactions to events, and just plain fun stories. I explore some of my own writing throughout, from character analysis, to fictional, to poetry, and personal stories. I go wherever my muse sends me. Enjoy!
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7 Responses to A – Adulthood

  1. Being an adult is challenging, but it’s worth it. Herman’s right, you do get to make your own choices, for better or worse!

    Jayden R. Vincente
    Erotic Fiction Writer

  2. Varad says:

    Well, once you are an adult, you get to have sex. That’s a winning point. On a serious note, the main issue with childhood is that the world treats you for what you are – a child. Playing and having fun alone is not everything. It’s not easy being an adult – happiness and heartaches both keep toying with your emotions. But, I guess it’s all good.

    A is for Absent Minded

  3. Jenny says:

    I agree that adulting has its pros and cons! Sometimes it would be nice to sit back and have someone else make all the decisions 🙂

  4. I love this idea for the A-Z challenge. I am Herman and my husband is Otto, so I was reading this with our voices 🙂

  5. Stuart says:

    I honestly don’t know what I’d choose. I guess that’s why I’ve embraced the child in me for so very long. Adulting is hard.

  6. Dorky Mom Doodles says:

    Sometimes I miss being a kid, but it’s nice to be in control of things.

  7. Pingback: A to Z Challenge Blog 2018 – Reflection | hdhstory.net

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