Lost but not Found…well almost.

Lost but not Found…well almost

I knew I had it. I had just purchased it last week. Why couldn’t I find it? 

Sounds familiar, it should. It has become a frequent occurrence lately. For years I used to blame any missing item on our house ghost, Herman. And in fact, we still do. If anyone happens to find that missing cloth Covid mask from last September, or the Christmas list listing all of the cookies that I have baked over the last 5 years, which I know I wrote down and put somewhere safe, please return them. 

Usually, over time the offending item is retrieved. Usually in a place that would be the obvious place to have left it. And of course, the place that I thoroughly searched numerous times before it turned up. That Herman is a tricky one. But there are still those things like the mask and cookie list that still are waiting to be found. 

How about…It’s’ on the tip of my tongue. I know the song you’re talking about, I can almost sing it in my head, but can’t remember the name. The singer’s name begins with a C.  I can’t blame Herman for those misplaced memories.

For the most part, those answers usually come back to me. Usually 1 to 2 days later and at an inconvenient time, or so I’ve been told, when I scream out, “Neil Diamond!” in the middle of a meeting. And yes, I know I was wrong, his name didn’t start with a “C”. That will probably be the name of the next songwriter or song I forget. 

Now when I’m in a restaurant and hear a song I can’t remember the name of, I have a watch app that can listen for me and give me all of the information I need. That too does become a little disrupting and inconvenient, during a romantic dinner with my wife. But sometimes you just have to know. 

Some people call this old age. They say it happens to everyone. If that is the case, then my old age must have started at about age 25. Then again, I’ve always liked a good mystery and that is exactly what these all are. A conundrum to be unraveled. A perplexing intrigue to be sleuthed. 

What would life be like, if we could always find what we needed when it was needed?

 I had a great ending for this piece…it’s on the tip of my tongue, or should I say keyboard. But it just escapes me. Don’t worry, I’m sure by the next time I write it will come to me. I just hope it’s not while I’m writing a serious piece.

About hdh

I have been telling stories for over 40 years and writing forever. I am a retired teacher and storyteller. I hope to expand upon my repertoire and use this blog as a place to do writing. The main purpose is to give me and others that choose to comment, a space in which to play with issues that deal with storytelling, storytelling ideas, storytelling in education, reactions to events, and just plain fun stories. I explore some of my own writing throughout, from character analysis, to fictional, to poetry, and personal stories. I go wherever my muse sends me. Enjoy!
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