B – What’s in the bag?

B – What’s in the Bag?

If there is one thing I hate doing, it’s laundry. If I owned a washer and dryer, it might be easier to get my laundry done, but I don’t. So every week or so I fill up a bag with laundry and trudge on down to the laundromat. It’s so boring. I have better things to do.  Most of the time I just start my laundry and leave. At some point, I come back, and if I’m lucky and late some other customer got pissed off enough that I wasn’t there and has taken my laundry out for me and dumped it on a table. The same thing goes for the dryer. I mean, who wants to wait in a laundromat for over 2 hours. Not me. 

Things changed yesterday. I did my usual trip, brought my bag of laundry, threw the clothes in the machine, and left. I got delayed at the bar I frequent, so didn’t return until 3 hours later. When I got there, there was no one in the place. My wet clothes which should have been either in a washing machine or thrown out on one of the tables were nowhere to be seen. However, I did notice my laundry bag in a corner, tucked in behind one of the dryers. I checked the bag and it was mine; no one else would put their laundry in a tie-dyed bag with a sign on it that said, “If found, please wash or burn”.

Someone must have not only unloaded my clothes but then dried them, folded them neatly, and even wrapped them in separate packages of parcel paper. Not wanting to appear ungrateful, I wrote a thank you note and signed it with my first name. No need to give more information out than necessary. 

The bag seemed a lot heavier than I thought it would be. It must have been due to the excess wrapping paper. When I got home I just threw the bag on a chair next to my bed and didn’t give it another thought until this morning. 

I dumped all of the packages onto my bed. The strange thing about it was that all the packages were pretty much the same size. I hadn’t noticed that yesterday. I was beginning to get suspicious. I carefully unwrapped one of the top parcels and found it was a pair of my pants and t-shirt. However, to my surprise, the package underneath it did not contain any of my clothes. It contained a stack of $100 bills. In fact, 500 hundred of them. As I moved on to open other packages they pretty much all contained large stacks of money. When I was done, I had unpackaged, two shirts, one pair of pants, 6 pairs of socks, and $500,000. 

I wasn’t sure what to do next. Should I go back to the laundromat and return the bag with the money? Should I go back to the laundromat and try to retrieve the note I left and then keep the money? Should I report what I had found to the police? 

to be continued in “D – Decision to be made.”

About hdh

I have been telling stories for over 40 years and writing forever. I am a retired teacher and storyteller. I hope to expand upon my repertoire and use this blog as a place to do writing. The main purpose is to give me and others that choose to comment, a space in which to play with issues that deal with storytelling, storytelling ideas, storytelling in education, reactions to events, and just plain fun stories. I explore some of my own writing throughout, from character analysis, to fictional, to poetry, and personal stories. I go wherever my muse sends me. Enjoy!
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3 Responses to B – What’s in the bag?

  1. Hi Harvey
    I SO hate doing laundry. H.A.T.E. It.
    I’ve got my bag stuck in one of the closets. I hear it banging against the door most nights. When I walk near it, there are squeaks of “wash me already you lazy so and so,” or words to that effect.

    That much money? Well, now, it makes me wonder about the note: burn these clothes. We’ll see on D.

  2. I’d absolutely HATE to not have my own laundry equipment. I wash/dry about 2 loads every DAY. But this would be an interesting problem to have………… And I imagine there’s someone out there who will be REALLY looking for that missing laundry bag!

    Dena from Operation Awesome

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