Where We Are

Where We Are

    It was a warm day in March when I heard the news. Schools were being closed. At the time I didn’t know that it would be for the remainder of the school year. When I found that out, things changed. That meant that the rest of my days of subbing were at an end for the school year. As the year progressed it also meant that the following school year I would choose not to work in schools. It meant that the 5 remaining storytelling gigs I had been hired for, all in schools, were canceled. 

    As the month continued it also meant food and supplies that were usually easy to get were now at a premium. Simple things like toilet paper and cleaning supplies were not to be found, let alone Mac and Cheese. 

    Those first few months were frustrating and concerning but we managed to survive and continue, which was a lot more than can be said for others. 

    Time being what it is flows on. The more things change, the more we adapt. Shopping for supplies became easier, though there are still things that are hard to find. There were groups of people that, though far apart, became much closer. In my circle of interactions, compassion and empathy reigned. We had support when we needed it and acceptance.

    Unfortunately, that was not the case everywhere. There were too many groups that focused on self-centeredness and distrust. There were those that refused to cooperate and support others. The disconnect between people created this chasm of failure. That was the most frustrating of all. And it still continues. 

    Where is the empathy and compassion, needed for our existence? Where is the altruistic mantra to follow?  How do we as a people become a united group that speaks to each other and listens? All I see now are simultaneous monologues. Each group spouting their own ideals. 

Be grateful you’ve made it this far. Listen to one another. Be open to change. Act for the good of each other, not just yourself. Become a better you. In that way, we can stand strong. We can work together to get through anything. With Thanksgiving coming upon us, I would be very thankful for that.

About hdh

I have been telling stories for over 40 years and writing forever. I am a retired teacher and storyteller. I hope to expand upon my repertoire and use this blog as a place to do writing. The main purpose is to give me and others that choose to comment, a space in which to play with issues that deal with storytelling, storytelling ideas, storytelling in education, reactions to events, and just plain fun stories. I explore some of my own writing throughout, from character analysis, to fictional, to poetry, and personal stories. I go wherever my muse sends me. Enjoy!
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