Summer Hunting

Summer Hunting

Ah, Summertime…when the livin’ is easy. I so enjoy the warm weather, the pools of water to rest in with my family, and the abundant fresh food that is just there for the picking. Of course, as a hunter, one has to be careful, where one finds its food source. Some of the animals I hunt are very dangerous. If I’m not careful I can easily be killed. But I have been around for a while and know a lot of the tricks of the trade. Wait patiently until my victim is occupied with other activities, move in an erratic pattern such that I’m not seen, and if I am, move quickly so that my prey can only second guess where I am, then attack as silently as I can. I usually can tell when I’ve been spotted and so far I’ve been able to escape unharmed before satisfying my need for blood. 


I hate summertime. One, it is always too hot and muggy. Then, there are the tics, bees, and worst of all the mosquitoes. I seem to be a mosquito magnet. I go out for 5 minutes to work in the garden and next thing I know I’m covered in bites; Itchy, welty, annoying bites, in places I can’t even reach. I don’t know how those mosquitoes do it without me seeing them. Sometimes I can hear them, but they are quick and they are ruthless. No amount of lotions and creams can subside the itching. And then when I think the itch went away, it comes back the next day. What do they have? Time-release chemicals made just to annoy me?


The only problem with these beautiful summer days is that sometimes my prey finds a way to mask its scent and though I can see it, finding it is problematic. However, I’ve found that if I wait patiently, it forgets to mask its scent or it uses some foolish candle that smells nice but makes him even more visible. I love the chase.


No matter how many ways I try to hide from those pesky insects, they still seem to find me. I’ve tried Citronella candles, touted for use to keep mosquitoes away, to no avail. Sometimes it works and then other times it’s like a pheromone designed to attract them. Lately, I’ve been told to try Cedar Oil. I’ll have to give it a try. If I could only stop itching. Maybe I should just stay inside until winter comes. 



I’m full with all the lovely blood that it has given me. I’ll just rest here and bask in the success of my hunting endeavor.  Ahh, this is why I love summer so much. Once I’ve digested all this food I’ll be ready to go out and hunt ag….


GOT IT! That’s one mosquito that won’t be bothering me again this summer. Eww! Now I’ve got mosquito blood all over my hand. Oh well, it’s probably my blood anyway. Time to go in, wash up, and apply more lotion. Then back to the hunt. One mosquito down, thousands to go. 

About hdh

I have been telling stories for over 40 years and writing forever. I am a retired teacher and storyteller. I hope to expand upon my repertoire and use this blog as a place to do writing. The main purpose is to give me and others that choose to comment, a space in which to play with issues that deal with storytelling, storytelling ideas, storytelling in education, reactions to events, and just plain fun stories. I explore some of my own writing throughout, from character analysis, to fictional, to poetry, and personal stories. I go wherever my muse sends me. Enjoy!
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