A to Z Challenge 2020: Q is for Queen

This is a continuation of B is for Birthday. It was followed by F is for Follow, H is for Hunted, K is for King, and M is for Mistake. You may want to read them first if you haven’t already. 

The guard left to find the magician. Barry wanted to run away but was too scared to move. The queen, however, moved quickly. She moved close to Barry and said, “Quickly, we don’t have much time. What news from the king?”

Barry didn’t know what to think. Was this some ruse she was using to get information for Hyde or was she really concerned about the king?”

“Why should I answer you?” was his reply, “You’re about to make me a slave.”

The queen’s demeanor changed. Her face showed more concern now than conceit and power. “I did what I did to give us time to talk in isolation and see if there is a way out of this mess.”

“But you were bossing the guard around. You’re one of them. You’re working with Hyde. I thought you were supposed to be captured and a slave.”

“What good would that have been, if I had been captured? The king wouldn’t listen to me about the Hyde. I knew the only way to get him to take me seriously was for me to disappear and let him think that Hyde had captured me. I knew that if I were indeed captured by Hyde, I would have no way to help those enslaved. So I decided to make it known to the proper individuals that I had had it with the king and was looking to partner up with the magician in his plans to take over the kingdom.”

“But how did you ever find Hyde to make that offer?” Barry asked. 

“As I said,” the queen continued, “I knew who I could trust and who would get my intent to Hyde. Now tell me, time is running out, what are the king’s plans?”

Barry took a deep breath, decided to believe the queen, at least for the moment, and in a wavering voice said, “He has none. He has sent me here to save everyone.”

“He WHAT!” remembering then to lower her voice. “You’re just a boy… Well, it’s too late to send you back for help, so we’ll have to come up with another plan.” 

“I could run away and you could say I escaped.” 

The queen thought about it, but then said, “No. That would just warn him that his hideout is known. What you have to do is become a slave. When Hyde comes, tell him that you just got lost in the woods, that’s how he captures most of the others. And give me your flashlight. The king’s insignia is on it, which would give away who you are.”

Barry handed over the flashlight, which the queen quickly disposed of. “Then what?”

“There is one guarding the captives, named Rory,  that I trust. He works for me and keeps me informed. You will identify yourself to him. Give him this.” The queen handed Barry a silken handkerchief that she had pulled from her dress and described who he supposed was to look for. “He will know that you speak the truth and will be able to keep the lines of communication open between us. Tell him that I will let him know when the time is right to execute our plan. We better hope that it works.”

“But what is the plan?”

Barry never got a chance to find out, for in walked a tall, lanky man. He had long dark hair, dark eyes and an evil sneer on his face. “WHO IS THIS CHILD?” he demanded.

“He appears to be a lost child, who wandered here from the forest,” the queen replied.

“Why don’t I recognize him,” questioned the mage, “Where are you from boy?”

Too much was happening at once; Barry was really frightened now. He stammered, “I..I…I come from a..a… foreign land, sir. I’m just trying to find my way back home.”

Hyde stared deeply into Barry’s eyes. He could read the fear that was coursing through the boy. It pleased him. “Good. I’ve got news for you, boy. You’ve found your new home. It’s right here with us.” 

Hyde turned to the guard and ordered, “You know what to do with him. Put him down with the others, it’s time for him to earn his keep.”

Hyde turned and left with the queen following. The guard grabbed Barry roughly by the shoulder and dragged him back up the cave path to the fork and down the other path into a damp, musty cavern covered with stalagmites and stalactites. Around him were men, women, children, and animals of all sorts. They all stared at him with saddened faces. Just another poor soul to be added to their group. 

Barry was handed over to another guard, who quickly put him to work. Barry was surprised that in all the time he had been there in the cave, no one ever checked him over to see if had a weapon. The knife the king had given him, was still sheathed beneath his pant leg.


to be continued in R is for Rescue

About hdh

I have been telling stories for over 40 years and writing forever. I am a retired teacher and storyteller. I hope to expand upon my repertoire and use this blog as a place to do writing. The main purpose is to give me and others that choose to comment, a space in which to play with issues that deal with storytelling, storytelling ideas, storytelling in education, reactions to events, and just plain fun stories. I explore some of my own writing throughout, from character analysis, to fictional, to poetry, and personal stories. I go wherever my muse sends me. Enjoy!
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2 Responses to A to Z Challenge 2020: Q is for Queen

  1. I enjoyed this – I’ll have to go back and read the additional links for a bit more context. Thanks!

  2. hdh says:

    The final 2 pieces are tomorrow and Wednesday. After I post the final piece I will be posting the whole story it’s entirety, so those people that don’t want to travel back in time and follow all the linked sections can read it in one place. Glad you enjoy it.

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