Whiplash! – “K” I’m finally getting used to this…not another change!

Whiplash: An injury to the neck caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head, either backward or forward; And in the case of writing or speaking, can be caused by a rapid change of topic without prior notice.

Whiplash! – “K” I’m getting used to this…not another change!

There was a book of Swedish folktales that I wanted to purchase that was translated by a fellow storyteller, Richard Martin, who lived in Germany. I followed the link on his website which directed me to the Swedish website that was selling the book. I clicked on purchase the book and it said as soon as I paid the invoice (400 Swedish Krona) that I would have the book sent to me. I entered my name and address in the U.S. and awaited a place where I could click on to pay for the book. I assumed that there would be some link which would allow me to put in a credit card or use PayPal. Neither happened. I did get a confirmation email that I had ordered the book.  A little over a week later the book was delivered by mail to my house. Included in the package was the invoice for 400 Swedish Krona. I was confused, so I emailed the publisher and was told that I had to pay in Swedish Krona, as the Swedish banks no longer take checks and there was no credit card or PayPal possibility.

I could have sent 400 SK through the mail to the publisher, which is what he suggested, but I was a little skeptical of sending cash through the mail and finding a way to get Swedish Krona was not a simple task. I finally asked help from the storyteller in Germany. He agreed to pay my bill through an interbank transfer, which could be done from Germany and I reimbursed him through PayPal.




Most of my entire life was spent teaching children that were in 4th – 6th grade (9-11 year olds). When I retired from teaching and began substitute teaching, I was careful to only sub for classes within that grade span. Then my district reconfigured their schools so that the school I was most likely to sub in was 3rd grade – 5th grade. With some trepidation, I added 3rd graders to my list of acceptable assignments. Occasionally I would accept assignments at the other school (Kindergarten – 2nd grade) knowing that I would be put in a 2nd grade class. Then came the day when I was working half-day at one school and was told that they needed me for the afternoon at the other school. When I got there, they

told me I had been assigned to a kindergarten class! I had never in my 40 + years of teaching worked with kindergartners. Luckily my first period with these students was lunch, so I immediately went home, which was a 3-minute drive away, and retrieved my guitar. Being a storyteller/musician made the rest of the day somewhat bearable. I loved the kindergarteners that said I was the first boy teacher they had ever had. I did what the teacher had planned, tied some shoelaces, helped some kids with their jackets, sang and told stories and when it was all over I went home exhausted. I give a lot of credit to kindergarten teachers, it takes a lot of energy to keep up with them on a daily basis.

For me, I’ll stick to the older kids.



The dishes pile up in the sink in our kitchen

My wife starts to wash them and I ask to pitch in.

There’s more than enough of the water and soap

As we wash and wash, the end’s near so we hope.

But the water is dirty and they’re not quite as clean

There are smudges and marks that still can be seen

So we have to start over and wash once again

And there’s water all over the floor, what a pain

When we think that we’re done; kitchen’s floor nice and dry

What appears is a new pile, once again there’s a sigh

Maybe next time we’ll eat less, then again if we’re able

We’ll just scrap all the dishes and eat right off the table.




Did you ever have to pay for something in a currency not your own? How did that work out? If you’re a teacher, what grade are you most fearful of ever teaching? How high do the dishes pile in your kitchen?

See you next time…“L” if I know what to write about next!

About hdh

I have been telling stories for over 40 years and writing forever. I am a retired teacher and storyteller. I hope to expand upon my repertoire and use this blog as a place to do writing. The main purpose is to give me and others that choose to comment, a space in which to play with issues that deal with storytelling, storytelling ideas, storytelling in education, reactions to events, and just plain fun stories. I explore some of my own writing throughout, from character analysis, to fictional, to poetry, and personal stories. I go wherever my muse sends me. Enjoy!
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2 Responses to Whiplash! – “K” I’m finally getting used to this…not another change!

  1. Stephanie says:

    Oh I bet you were a hit! I am a licensed family home childcare provider and I play banjo with them. They’re favorite? Freeze Dance! lol Great to read your story!
    Stephanie Finnell
    @randallbychance from
    Katy Trail Creations

  2. Pingback: A to Z Challenge 2019 – A Whiplash Reflection | hdhstory.net

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